Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bionicle: Payed to Play (Section 1)

Crotesius drove the Cendox V1 as fast as it would go. He had the beat the Kaxcium V3 and the Twins. They where fighting in the icelands not so far away from Iconax. Once he won this match he would return to Vulcanus. If he didn't win he might not return to his village at all. Better to be an outcast than a failure. But he wasn't going to fail.
He saw the twins right in front of him. He drove into the middle of the two vehicles, separating them and making them crash. Then the Twins started arguing about who's fault it was.
Crotesius drove away. "Twins." He muttered.

Strakk walked down the snow covered montain. He was heading for a match against Ackar. It was morning, Metus said he had to be their by noon. "I need transport."
Sundenly a vihicle piloted by an Agori from Vulcanus drove past he had found what he was looking for, all he needed to do was catch it...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(Vastus' Mistake) My entry to matanui's contest

Vastus’ Mistake

Vastus was leading an army through the Black Spike Mountains. He was trying to wipe out the army of the Element Lord of Rock. Vastus was leading an army of about 100 warriors. They were fighting for the Element Lord of the Jungle in the Core War. Vastus was about to make his biggest mistake ever that would haunt him for the rest of his life. His friend, Naarahk walked beside him. They were talking in low tones about their plans fro the battle that was coming soon. Suddenly out of nowhere, 200 warriors from the Element Lord of Rock’s army leapt out of the rocks on either side of Vastus’ army. Vastus and the warriors he was commanding didn’t have much time to react. They drew their weapons but not before almost one fourth of their company had been wiped out. Vastus was struggling with a warrior. He swung his vine sword at the warrior. The warrior parried the blow and stabbed at Vastus. Vastus dodged and swung his sword again. It hit the warrior in the helmet and knocked him out. Vastus turned around and started fighting another warrior. He saw Naarahk struggling and then fall. “Retreat!” yelled Vastus.
His warriors obeyed and started to fall back. By that time, Vastus had only 10 warriors left alive. The mountain road was bloody and littered with the bodies of dead warriors. Vastus picked up Naarahk and slung him over his shoulder. The army of the Element Lord of Rock pursued. Vastus was a faster runner then the rest of his men. They were all killed by the rock tribe. Vastus and Naarahk were the only survivors of this great mistake.
Vastus got back to the village of the jungle tribe the next day. He gave Naarahk to a doctor and headed for the Element Lord of the Jungle’s hut. Vastus knocked on the door and he heard the Element Lord’s voice say, “Come in.”
Vastus entered and bowed before the Element Lord. “You’re back, Vastus,” said the Element Lord.
“Yes, sir,” said Vastus.
“Tell me what happened,” commanded the Element Lord.
“We were ambushed on the mountain trail,” said Vastus. “Everyone was killed but Naarahk and I. It is all my fault, my lord.”
“Nonsense,” said the Element Lord. “Tell me; did you kill any of the enemy?”
“Yes, my lord,” said Vastus, “at least 50.”
“Then the mission was not a complete failure,” said the Element Lord. “It is too bad that so many of my soldiers died. Oh, well. What can you do?”
Vastus bowed and left the hut. He went to where Naarahk was being tended to. Naarahk was doing better. “How are you doing friend?” asked Vastus.
“Very well,” said Naarahk. “I must thank you for saving me.”
“I know that you would’ve done the same for me,” said Vastus.
Vastus was tired and he knew that this tragedy was all his fault.